Power BI : How to make quick awesome looking dashboard for SCCM
An awesome example of what power bi can do - and its all interactive and dynamic content - which sync's with your sql data in real time. a little bit of sql and little bit of excel does the magic. The dashboard above was created to show the remnants of Office 2010 in the environment. what all do we have in here ? A dynamically created map based on location pulled from SCCM a scrolling ticker indicating increase or decrease in count as per trends count of machines per location trends indicated by a simple graph a dynamic water level indicators for data. a dynamic pyramid based breakup Query used to pull from SQL > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT distinct vrs.AD_Site_Name0, vrs.Distinguished_Name0, vrs.Netbios_Name0, vrs.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0, vrs.User_Name0, sof.ProductName0, sof.ProductVersion0, sof.Publisher0 FROM...