
Power BI : Microsoft Office Telemetry Dashboard

Microsoft Office's Telemetry Dashboard is an essential add-on for giving your environment an Office Health Index - where you have it, licensing, upgrade, tracking issues, AppCompat etc. The insight telemetry provide is priceless and yet free. Here the data sources are both the telemetry database, telemetry excel dashboard, and the SCCM database. Installation + Configuration of Telemetry : Configure and deploy the dashboard : want the  pbix  file ?  share this post on  twitter  or  fb  and comment with the link of ur shared post & your email in the comment window below.

Power BI : How to make quick awesome looking dashboard for SCCM

An awesome example of what power bi can do - and its all interactive and dynamic content - which sync's with your sql data in real time. a little bit of sql and little bit of excel does the magic. The dashboard above was created to show the remnants of Office 2010 in the environment. what all do we have in here ? A dynamically created map based on location pulled from SCCM a scrolling ticker indicating increase or decrease in count as per trends count of machines per location trends indicated by a simple graph  a dynamic water level indicators for data. a dynamic pyramid based breakup Query used to pull from SQL > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT       distinct vrs.AD_Site_Name0, vrs.Distinguished_Name0, vrs.Netbios_Name0, vrs.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0, vrs.User_Name0, sof.ProductName0, sof.ProductVersion0, sof.Publisher0 FROM...

Powershell : OpsMgr : SCOM 2012 Prereqs Powershell

Start-Transcript -Path c:transcript0.txt -noclobber # This scripts needs unrestricted access Write-Host "This scripts needs unrestricted access (Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.)" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "The prereq setup for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager takes around 15 minutes depending on your internet speed" -ForegroundColor Green # Setting the variables. $folderpath0 = 'C:Source' $ShareName = "Source$" #Check if folder exists, if not, create it if (Test-Path $folderpath0){ Write-Host "The folder $folderPath0 exists." } else{ Write-Host "The folder $folderPath0 does not exist, creating..." -NoNewline New-Item $folderpath0 -type directory | Out-Null Write-Host "done!" -ForegroundColor Green } # Check if file exists, if not, download it $file0 = $folderPath0+"SQLSysClrTypes.msi" $file1 = $folderPath0+"Reportviewer.msi" if (Te...

SCCM SQL Query : SQL Query for Client Count per AD Site

SELECT     R.AD_Site_Name0,     Count(SMS_Installed_Sites0) AS 'Count' From     v_R_System R     JOIN v_RA_System_SMSInstalledSites SIS ON R.ResourceID = SIS.ResourceID Group By     R.AD_Site_Name0 

SCCM SQL Query : SQL Query for Locations and Boundaries

select sys1.Name, sys1.DefaultSiteCode, (select SUBSTRING(sys2.ServerNALPath, CHARINDEX('\\', sys2.ServerNALPath) + 2, CHARINDEX('"]', sys2.ServerNALPath) - CHARINDEX('\\', sys2.ServerNALPath) - 3 ) + CASE sys2.Flags WHEN '1' Then ' (Slow)' WHEN '0' THEN '' END + '; ' as 'data()' from vSMS_BoundaryGroupSiteSystems as sys2 where sys1.GroupID=sys2.GroupID for XML path('')) as 'Site System', (select sys4.Value + '; ' as 'data()' from vSMS_BoundaryGroupMembers as sys3 left join vSMS_Boundary as sys4 on sys3.BoundaryID=sys4.BoundaryID where sys1.GroupID=sys3.GroupID for XML path('')) as 'Boundary', sys1.ModifiedOn, sys1.ModifiedBy from vSMS_BoundaryGroup as sys1

SCCM SQL Query : Find SCCM Client Health

select sys.Name0 as 'Computer Name', sys.User_Name0 as 'User Name', summ.ClientStateDescription, case when summ.ClientActiveStatus = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.ClientActiveStatus = 1 then 'Active' end as 'ClientActiveStatus', summ.LastActiveTime, case when summ.IsActiveDDR = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.IsActiveDDR = 1 then 'Active' end as 'IsActiveDDR', case when summ.IsActiveHW = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.IsActiveHW = 1 then 'Active' end as 'IsActiveHW', case when summ.IsActiveSW = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.IsActiveSW = 1 then 'Active' end as 'IsActiveSW', case when summ.ISActivePolicyRequest = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.ISActivePolicyRequest = 1 then 'Active' end as 'ISActivePolicyRequest', case when summ.IsActiveStatusMessages = 0 then 'Inactive' when summ.IsActiveStatusMessages = 1 the...

SCCM SQL Query : Find Lync Versions

select   distinct v_R_System.User_Name0,v_r_system.Name0,v_R_System.Active0,v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0,v_Add_Remove_Programs.TimeStamp,v_Add_Remove_Programs.InstallDate0,v_Add_Remove_Programs.Version0 from v_Add_Remove_Programs inner join v_R_System on v_Add_Remove_Programs.ResourceID = v_R_System.ResourceID where v_Add_Remove_Programs.DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Lync 2010'